Francine Milford

Home Page ~Aroma~Care™~ ~FL & NCBTMB CE's~ ~Reiki Books~ ~Additional Books Titles~ ~Vibrational Reiki™~ ~Reiki Books and More~ ~Bach Flower~ ~Chakra Reiki Healing~ ~Color Therapy~ ~Kabbalah~ ~Copper Wands~


     Francine Milford, BS, LMT, NCTMB is a Teacher, Author, State and Nationally certified Massage Therapist and Body Worker, Reiki Master, Personal Trainer, Certified Traditional Naturopath (CTN), and CE provider for Health Care Professionals. 

     She is the owner of the Reiki Center of Venice (once called the Reiki Healing Ministry). Through the Center, Francine has taught more than 7,000 students. Francine had also owned and operated the Reiki Center of Venice Massage School for Massage Therapy and Bodywork.

     She has been in the fitness industry for well over 30 years teaching a variety of classes and workshops, having held more than six fitness certifications.

     Francine is an approved CE provider for the Florida Massage Board, National Certifying Board of Therapeutic Massage and Bodyworkers (NCBTMB) and BOC (athletic trainers).




Daily Pickings

About Me

How to Beat Stress




EBOOkS-$1 to $25 for classes 

After nearly 20 years of serving the public, the Reiki Center of Venice has closed its phsyical doors.

Classes and workshops are still available online and through Home Study

and by Appointment Only




Francine offers a variety of continuing education workshops, alternative therapy training and certifications. Individual and group classes are available with or withouth ce's in Reiki,  Aromatherapy, Bach Flower Remedies, Understanding Research, and so much more...





* For free Aromatherapy recipes visit:


* To learn about Komyo Reiki visit:


* For Reiki and Energy classes, healing sessions, massages, continuing education courses and more visit







Tuning Fork Clearance List




Clearance Sale


Item on Clearance

Price + U.S. Postage



50Hz Tuning Fork-Brand New-GOLD-weighted-NEW

$30 plus $10.99

100 Hz Tuning Fork (weighted)-NEW

$30 plus $7.99

111 Hz Tuning Fork (unweighted)-2 left-NEW

$20 plus $7.99

128 Hz Tuning Fork (weighted)-2 left USED

$15 plus $7.99

200 Hz Tuning Fork (weighted)-NEW

$30 plus $7.99

528 Hz Tuning Fork Unweighted-1 left-NEW

$12 plus $5.99

531 Hz Genesis Tuning Fork Unweighted-2 left-NEW

$20 plus $5.99

531 Hz Genesis Tuning Fork Gold unweighted-2 left-NEW

$30 plus $5.99

Adjustable Tuning Forks Used $5, New $10

$5 or $10 plus $7.99

Angel Tuning Fork set (3 piece) from India-Brand New

$30 plus $5.99

Chakra Set (unweighted)-1 GOLD-8pc -1 only-NEW

$150.00 plus $16.99

Chakra Set (weighted)-GOLD-8pc-1 only-BRAND NEW

$250 plus $16.99

Chakra 7pc set-unweighted-USED-only 1 left-

               $50 plus $16.99

Chakra 8pc set-unweighted-BRAND NEW

$100 plus $16.99

Chakra 9pc set-unweighted-BRAND NEW

$110 plus $16.99


$120 plus $16.99


$130 plus $16.99

Chakra/Planetary 8pc set-unweighted-BRAND NEW

$80 plus $16.99

Crystal Tuning Fork from India-GOLD-only 2 left

$25 plus $5.99

Crystal Tuning Fork from Biosonics-5 left-NEW

$25 plus $5.99

D & A Tuners-2pc set-Unweighted-only 2 left-NEW

$20 plus $7.99

Fibonacci 8pc tuning fork set-Unweighted-only 1-NEW

$100 plus $16.99

Harmonic 8pc Student Set-Brand New-unweighted

$50 plus $7.99

Harmonic Premium Set w/Canvas Apron-unweighted

$100 plus $16.99


$150 plus $16.99

Mineral 11pc tuning fork set (unweighted)-only 1-NEW

$100 plus $16.99

Mineral 11pc tuning fork set (weighted)-only 1-NEW

$200 plus $16.99

OM tuning fork (weighted)-India-BRAND NEW

$39.99 plus $7.99

OM tuning fork (unweighted)-India-BRAND NEW

$12.00 plus $7.99

OM – LOW-68.05Hz-2 left-BRAND NEW

$25.00 plus $7.99

OM – SONIC-(unweighted)-2 left-BRAND NEW

$20 plus $7.99


$25 plus $7.99

Sharp set-5pc-USED

$25 plus $10.99

EMPTY velvet tuning fork cases-ONLY


1 Blue case-NERVE written on it-14” long-3 left

$5 plus $4.99

1 Sharp blue case (5 openings)

$10 plus $7.99

Single black case w/drawstring-only 1 left (black)-10” long

$5 plus $4.99

Hockey Puck w/hole in middle (round/black only)

$6 plus $4.99

Wooden Tuning Fork Block with 20 holes for tuning forks

$20 plus $19.99

Email me at to be sure that I still have item and I will tally up your order and send you an invoice to save you $$$ on flat rate boxes. Fill them up!

More clearance items listed on



Email me at to be sure that I still have item and I will tally up your order and send you an invoice to save you $$$ on flat rate boxes. Fill them up!

Francine Milford, BS, LMT, NCTMB

Copyright©2000-2022 Francine Milford